• Save Money

    We scout for deals, discounts, and promotions that might not be immediately obvious to regular shoppers. We can help you identify sales, coupon codes, or special offers, maximizing your savings while still getting the products you desire.

  • Save Time

    Bid farewell to exhaustive research. Your Personal Purchase Consultant does the groundwork for you, presenting a curated selection of products that match your criteria, complete with benefits, drawbacks, and essential details.

  • Expert Guidance

    Our team of product experts is dedicated to helping you make informed choices. From electronics to fashion to home goods, our consultants possess in-depth knowledge across various categories.

How it works

  1. Consultation 
    You'll start by filling out our Consult Details survey. This is where you'll discuss your preferences, needs, and any specific requirements.

    2. Product Curation
    Based on the information gathered during the consultation, your consultant will handpick a selection of products that align with your criteria.

    3. Review and Selection
    You'll receive a curated list of products along with detailed information to help you make an informed decision.

    4. Purchase Assistance 
    Once you've made your choice, your consultant can guide you through the purchase process, ensuring a seamless transaction.

    5. Ongoing Support
    Questions or concerns? Your consultant remains available for post-purchase support, guaranteeing a satisfying experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you help me?

In a world where there are seemingly endless makes and models of anything you want to buy and countless conflicting reviews on google we are here to make sense of it all and save you the stress.

Take a new television for example.
Let say there are 50 different models. Ranging from $100 - $10,000.
10 of these TVs could be terrible purchases, but 40 of them may actually be acceptable for what you are looking for.
We gather all the details you want out of a new TV, ie; quality, features, inputs, budget, size and make an informed decision so that you get the model that fits you best.

Do you make commission on items purchased?

No, we do not make any commissions on the products we recommend to our customers. Our goal is to ensure you (our customer) makes the best purchase from the most reliable website, that has the greatest discount. Collecting commissions from websites would cause a bias in our decision making.

Can I combine products into one consult?

Certain products it does make sense to combine. Purchasing an off the shelf smart home security system with multiple potential parts? Combine it.

Purchasing roof racks for your car and don't know what fits best together? Combine it.

However, combining items such as a computer and a game console into one consult is not allowed.

Curious if your planned purchases can be combined into one consult? Contact us below!

I don't know if you can help me with this product?

Unsure as to whether or not our experts can help with your purchase? Totally understandable!

We use our network of experts and refined product research techniques to give us a very wide range of knowledge, to ensure that you get the very best consultation.

Still unsure? Use the contact form below to give us some info and we will tell you if we can help or not!

We will never take your money if we are not 100% confident we can give you a good recommendation. If you purchase one of our consults and we determine it is not a good fit we will refund you right away!

Contact form